Choose your house
We made sure that the complex has everything you need, so you can forget about the extra hassle.
During our work we are focusing on ensuring the quality of our homes and their technological advancement so you can still use all modern technological features despite living in the nature.

Construction technologies
Our main goal is to create high quality modern houses that can fulfill all of your dreams about your perfect home. To archive this we follow all modern trends in construction technologies sphere and use materials of the highest quality.

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Atvirų durų diena „Inwood House“ projekte! Kviečiame Jus praleisti jaukią žiemos dieną miško apsuptyje – vietoje, kur susilieja gamta ir modernus gyvenimas. Kas laukia? • Ekskursija po „Inwood House“ projektą – susipažinkite su erdvėmis ir gyvenimo galimybėmis. • 🕒 Laikas: Vasario 20 d. 14-19 va...

Not only the construction of the houses in the neighborhood, but also the setting up the home environment is moving forward. Just after we completed the construction of the first 4 houses - we have built a cobbled road for convenient and clean access. We have just finished building the first 4 hou...

Nemenčinės pl. 244, Miškonių k., LT-1516 Vilniaus r. sav.